Welcome to Education Interview Hub

Our company is the only one in Ireland & the UK which specifically focuses on supporting and advising ambitious educators in seeking to find their dream job at primary and post primary level. We believe real life experience is essential when advising professionals. That is why our services are only delivered by experienced principals and teachers.

Education Interview Hub caters for aspiring principals, head teachers, deputy/vice principals, assistant principals (I & II), posts of responsibility, teachers and classroom assistants/Special Needs Assistants. We offer bespoke support to meet your needs, experiences and expectations when applying for posts.

All conversations and guidance provided are confidential. 


Empowering Schools, Empowering Leaders

At Education Interview Hub, we offer tailored consultancy services delivered by experienced school leaders, designed to address the unique needs of your school. Our comprehensive services include:

Leadership and School Development Consultancy

    • Customised Solutions | Effective Management Teams | Needs Assessment | Project Delivery | Developing & Sustaining School Culture | Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Financial Consultancy Services

    • Fundraising Strategies | Grant Access

Interview Preparation Seminars 2025

Interview preparation seminars are available to primary teachers, post primary teachers and Special Needs Assistants/Classroom Assistants. Demand is high for these seminars among student teachers & newly qualified teachers. However, they are not exclusively for any particular cohort of teachers. Many experienced teachers attend the seminars in advance of moving from one school to another.

Seminars demonstrate a step by step approach to preparing for an interview and securing a teaching position. The seminar will share interview questions, explore appropriate responses, explain expectations of the interview panel and give tips as to how your application can be different to the 100’s of others. 

Meet Our Team

Kenneth Kerins

St Ninnidh's Primary School, Co. Fermanagh

Kelsey Maguire

Deputy Principal
St Brigids NS, Co. Cavan

John Murtagh

St. Olaf's NS, Dublin.

Gary Kenny

Deputy Principal
Mercy Secondary School, Co.Longford

Jennifer Kelly

Deputy Principal
St. Joseph's Secondary School, Co. Louth

David McCague

St. Macartan's College, Co. Monaghan

Let Us Unlock Your Potential

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